Some people know me for my glitch art side project, Anime On VHS, a project that I post on my Tumblr and Instagram account. If you don't know what I do with that project, I basically take photographs of old 80s/90s anime on VHS tapes, screw around with them through tracking on my VCR and other means on the hardware itself and digitally. I wanted to break away from that format for awhile and experiment shooting cosplayers who were going as those old school anime characters some of us grew up with and apply that glitch art process to my photographs. Why I wanted to do that was to make those characters come to life and take some actual control of those characters, instead of working within those limits the animation has to offer. This post contains images from Fanime and AnimeExpo 2016. One image was from Fanime 2014. Images were shot on a Canon 50D and 10D.